Club Times 2021 November/December

N ov emb e r /D e c emb e r 202 1


The Holiday Edition C LUB T I ME S

A Letter from the House Chairman A Magical CHRISTMAS

ABOUT THE COVER This horse-drawn carriage is from the Disney themed Christmas Spectacular in 2018.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I hope you and your family are enjoying the beginning of what we all hope to be a much more normal and festive holiday season. Our AAC team is gearing up to host many of your favorite holiday club events for your enjoyment. A majority of these events can be found in this current edition of the Club Times (it’s always my family’s favorite issue!) and we send emails weekly to update you.

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving at the Club, sipping hot chocolate while watching the Christmas Tree lighting, or decorating a Gingerbread house with your kids, there will be plenty of events to spend time with the family at the Club. One of the final events for the year, and holiday season will be our two day Christmas Spectacular. Atlanta Athletic Club will showcase all the wonders of “A Magical Christmas” this year and it will bring plenty of holiday fun for the whole family. The halls and rooms of the club will take on different themes from Mrs. Claus’s bakeshop, a Winter Wonderland, a mountain lodge resort, Santa’s workshop, and Candyland. Santa will also be in attendance roaming the clubhouse to take some pictures I’m sure he’d be willing to listen to any last minute gift wishes!


The most efficient way to save your spot for all events can be made through the Club’s website or by calling the Clubhouse Concierge at 770- 448-2166. Remember to make your reservations early! My favorite way to reserve our spot for all the great events around the Club is through the AAC app. I am thankful for you, my Atlanta Athletic Club family, and I look forward to sharing the holiday season with you and your family enjoying the many club hosted events and festivities for the remainder of 2021. Cheers!

Jason Huggins House Committee Chair

Member news New Members

Mr. Ryan Brennan Legacy Jones Membership Sponsors: Mr. Andrew Dunn, Mr. Michael Sullivan, Mr. Scott McKee

Mr. Brennan is an Inside Sales Manager at Kamado Joe. He received his bachelor’s in Operations Management at Georgia State University. He lives in Peachtree Corners.

Mr. Jer Goss and his wife Caitlin Associate Jones Membership Sponsors: Mrs. MaryJo Howell, Mr. Tom Rhodes, Mr. Rick Reynolds

Mr. Goss is CEO of Goss RV. He received his bachelor’s degree at Berry College. Mrs. Goss also received her bachelor’s degree at Berry College and is a homemaker.

They live with their three sons in Johns Creek. Mr. Matthew Marks and his wife Tess Associate Jones Membership Sponsors: Mr. Chris Eddy, Mr. Jerry Lowe, Mr. Steven Kittrell

Mr. Marks is a Sales Manager at Medtronic. He received his bachelor’s in Business Administration at the University of Mississippi. Mrs. Marks is and Influencer Liaison at Creative Communications Consultants. She received her bachelor’s degree at the University of Alabama. They live in Atlanta with their son. Mr. Stephen Goldin and his wife Joni Legacy Heisman Membership Sponsors: Mr. David Goldin, Mr. Cleve Gaddis, Mr. Michael Shackford Mr. Goldin is Vice President at National Crime Reporting Inc. He received his bachelor’s in Marketing/Psychology at Auburn University. Mrs. Goldin is in Sales at Michael Perry Showroom. She received her bachelor’s in Exercise Science and Wellness at the University of Florida. They live in Johns Creek with their daughter and have two other grown children.

In Loving Memory Mrs. Angelyn Westcott It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Recent Jones Widow member, Mrs. Angelyn Westcott on August 27. She was 83 years of age. She is pre-deceased by her husband of forty years, Jim Westcott, who passed away last December. The Westcotts joined the club in 1994.

The 1925 U.S. Amateur Championship at Oakmont Country Club

hole, known as the Ghost Hole, as the turning point. Six years earlier, Jones had lost the hole in a match with Davy Herron when the blast of a megaphone interrupted his play. Going into the hole, Gunn played what Jones later called “the hottest inspirational golf I ever faced.” Gunn was on the green in three, but Jones’s third shot landed in the bunker, and he seemed destined to lose the hole. Jones blasted out of the bunker, put his ball ten feet from the cup, and sank his putt to halve the hole. In the last six holes, Jones was two under par and four holes up on Gunn. Gunn remembered with awe, “From there in I shot the best golf I knew how to shoot, but you know what I faced? He showed me 3-3-4-3-3-4, and at the end of the first eighteen holes I was four down. When he started the afternoon round at 4-3, it cooked my goose. I never caught up.”

The AAC received top billing at the 1925 U.S. Amateur Championship at Oakmont Country Club because Bobby Jones and Watts Gunn met in the finals. Gunn joined the AAC while at Georgia Tech. He was born in Macon in 1905 and enjoyed a distinguished amateur career, winning the 1928 Southern Amateur and Open titles. He was a member of the U.S. Walker Cup teams in 1926 and 1928. But 1925 may have been his most memorable year. Never before or since had the finalists been members of the same club. In his first match, Gunn won fifteen straight holes, which became a world record at the time. On the evening before the final round, though, Gunn tried to sneak out of the clubhouse to see a young woman by slipping down the back stairs. Bob caught him and said, “Oh, no you don’t. You’re going to march right back up to that room. You’ll need all the sleep you can get for tomorrow.” The next day, Jones and Gunn faced a difficult match, but Jones remembered the 600-yard 12th Club.” The purpose of the series is so that members may become familiar with the history and heritage of the great club to which they belong. In 2023, Atlanta Athletic Club will celebrate its 125th anniversary. The club was founded in 1898 by a group of 65 Atlanta businessmen who enjoyed playing sports and camaraderie. This article is the seventh in a series entitled “125 Years: The Legacy of Atlanta Athletic

Watts Gunn and Bobby Jones

Golf News from the Atlanta Athletic Club Golf Shop - One of America’s Top 100 Shops of All-Time

FOLLOW THE GOLF SHOP ON INSTAGRAM FOR REGULAR UPDATES HIGHLIGHTING MERCHANDISE, AGRONOMIC HAPPENINGS ON THE GOLF COURSES AND OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION. @aacgolfshop START YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AT THE AAC GOLF SHOP! As you may already know, the Covid pandemic has caused many challenges to golf apparel and equipment supply chains. Throughout 2021 we have experienced delays in ordering products from golf bags to gloves to golf shirts. With this in mind, we highly encourage you to consider starting your Christmas shopping early this year! We continually receive SUPER SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP NOVEMBER 16TH – 17TH WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE A NEW EVENT THAT HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE FOR 2021, THE MEN’S SUPER-SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO MALE AAC JONES MEMBERS WHO ARE AT LEAST 65 YEARS OLD AS OF NOVEMBER 16, 2021. THE EVENT WILL CONSIST OF 36 HOLES OF STROKE PLAY COMPETITION WITH PAYOUTS FOR GROSS & NET SCORES. THE ENTRY DEADLINE FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE NOVEMBER 12TH AT NOON. exciting new men’s apparel from Peter Millar, Holderness & Bourne, B Draddy and KJUS. We also have some new ladies apparel from RLX Polo, Allie Burke, and IB-Kul. As always, all AAC members receive a 15% discount off apparel in the golf shop!

November & December 2021 Golf Operation Hours:

GOLF COURSE: Tuesday - Sunday GOLF SHOP: Tuesday - Friday Saturday & Sunday

8:30 a.m. - Dusk

8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. to 30 Minutes Before Sunset

GOLF CARTS: Last Cart Out

1 Hour Before Sunset

Last Cart In


Upcoming Events: Below are the club tournaments for the rest of the 2021 season.

November 6-7

RTJ 4-Ball Championship

November 11 “The Bradley” Champions Member Guest November 16-17 Super Senior Championship November 18 The Muirfield December 10 Holiday 3-Club Classic Dates are subject to change

g o l f

The Importance of Your Pace of Play Playing a round of golf in a reasonable amount of time is essential for everyone on the course to have an enjoyable golf experience. It is each golfer’s responsibility to keep their group on time and in position on the golf course even if it means picking up or skipping a hole. Under no circumstances is a group allowed to fall behind time and out of position and hold up other groups. Keep in mind that your group’s position on the golf course is behind the group in front of you, not in front of the group behind you. During optimum conditions, groups are allotted 4 hours to play 18 holes. When carts are on the path, an additional 14 minutes is permitted. When appropriate, please let faster groups play through. Tips to playing quickly:

• PLAY READY GOLF. Announce to your group on the 1st tee that you should play ready golf. Whoever is ready and can safely play should “hit when ready!” • TEE IT FORWARD. Play from a set of tees comfortable for you to reach greens in regulation. It is acceptable for players in the same group to play from different tees. • PLAN YOUR SHOT. While waiting on your playing partners, determine the distance, select your club and be ready when it is your turn. • 20 SECONDS. From the time you choose your club to execution, aim to hit your shot in 20 seconds. This will help maintain a brisk pace. • CONTINUAL PUTTING. Once you begin, continue to putt until you hole out when you can do so without disrupting your playing partners. • HELP OTHERS. Watch the flight of others golf balls. If you know where your golf ball is, assist others to find theirs. Volunteer to rake bunkers or attend the flagstick if needed. • AROUND THE GREEN. When possible, park your cart or trolley or place your golf bag between the hole and the next tee. Insure all extra clubs are lying between you and your golf bag. • REMEMBER THAT PICKING UP YOUR GOLF BALL IS PERMITTED BY THE USGA. Simply record the score you would have most likely made had you completed the hole.

2021 Club Championship

Nine-Hole Golf News Our annual Christmas Gala is returning this year with great friends and good cheer! WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS GALA Please RSVP via your formal invitation. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2021 ST. ANDREWS BALLROOM COCKTAILS 6:00 PM SEATED DINNER 6:45 PM DANCING 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM This is a combined event welcoming ladies from the 9 and 18 Hole Women’s Golf Associations.

Interested in joining Nine-Hole Women’s Golf ? Contact our new member committee chairs Debbie Skubic or Gail Torrence.

Eighteen-Hole Golf

18-Hole Christmas Party DECEMBER 2 Don’t miss our annual Christmas soiree!

Congratulations to our Women’s 18-Hole Club championship Winners! BETTY SIMS CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER Donna Gonsalves M.L. MCKIE DIVISION WINNER Ginny Harrell


Book Club Upcoming Reads social and dining

Ladies Bridge Association MARK YO UR C A L E NDAR S for our AAC Ladies Bridge Association social Friday December 17 at 9:30am. Please sign up on the AAC website or call the front desk. This is a great opportunity to invite your guest to our wonderful club. The charge for this event is the cost of lunch (amount to be determined by AAC) plus a guest fee of $5. This is scheduled in conjunction with the Christmas buffet which is always a treat. We had overwhelming interest in our series of Beginner Bridge Lessons offered this fall. The class of 32 students filled up quickly and had a long waiting list! Because of this strong interest, we hope to offer these lessons again in the winter beginning in January 2022. Please be on the lookout for announcements if you are interested. We are excited about all these new bridge players and we hope you will join our bridge association! We host activities and bridge games suitable for all levels of players (and we are always looking for new players)! If you are interested in joining the bridge association, please contact M.J. Olsen at or by phone #770-595-8197. Registration applications are located in the Ladies Locker Room bulletin board. Our S O C I A L BR I D G E meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays and DU P L I C AT E BR I D G E meets on the first and third Wednesdays in the Dot Kirby card room at 3:00 PM. We generally have 4 to 6 tables with room for more. Beachie Hall, Social Bridge coordinator, sends weekly invitations to all members of the AAC Ladies Bridge club members each week. The bridge director, Lynn Kleifgen or Cynthia Tanner, will send the request out for players of Duplicate. After play, most players have enjoyed dinner at 6:30 PM in the Troon Grill, some joined by their spouses/ significant others. The staff in the grill have been great to assist our group with reservations to accommodate our diners. C O U P L E S BR I D G E continues the first Friday of each month at 4:00pm with the exception of December. Sandra Evans, Couples Events chairperson, and her husband Tom are great organizers for the event. A dinner buffet immediately follows bridge play in the Oakmont Room. Marathon matches began in August. The game director is Melisa Dickens. Each team is responsible for scheduling one match each month, August through April, while skipping December. The format is 20 rounds of pre-dealt boards played each month and the event is scored as duplicate bridge so there are separate North/South and East/West winners every month, with cumulative winners for the year. There are 14 teams participating this year continuing into April 2022. Think about playing Marathon starting next August! It is a great low key way to improve your bridge and build a partnership.

Our November book is The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah-you will need to have a tall glass of water next to you as you read this one! We will not meet in December, but will resume on January 20th when Joanmarie Wilson will be presenting, The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict. As always, we will meet in the Ladies’ Locker Room at 4:00 p.m. Any questions or if you wish to volunteer to help present a book contact

s o c i a l / d i n i n g

Holiday Season Events at the Club! THANKSGIVING DAY BUFFET Thursday, Nov. 25 Seating at 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. Merion, Troon & St. Andrews $44 per Adult $22 per Children Ages 3-12 Children Ages 2 and Under are Complimentary Christmas Tree Lighting Saturday, November 27 from 5 - 8 p.m. ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLIMENTARY Welcome the holiday season with a wide array of children’s activities from decorating Christmas Ornaments to singing Christmas Carols. Event Schedule: Photos with Santa in the Library: 5 - 8 p.m. While enjoying hot chocolate and Christmas cookie or have your photo taken with Santa. Photos are $10 for up to two copies of one pose.

Back by popular demand! Let’s celebrate and give thanks together as we invite you and your family to enjoy a Thanksgiving buffet in celebration of the holiday season with a delectable spread of traditional favorites. Event Guidelines • Merion and Royal Troon Grill Reservations are welcome to have a maximum of 6 people. • If your party is larger than 12, two tables next to one another in the St. Andrews are required to accommodate the entire reservation. • All Confirmed Reservations are subject to charge under the Club’s 72-hour cancellation policy.

Holiday Dinner Buffet in the St. Andrews Ballroom: Seating Times Available at 5:30 and 6 p.m. $28 per Adult / $14 per Children Ages 3-12 Children Ages 2 and Under are Complimentary Christmas Tree Lighting & Christmas Carols in the Centennial Gardens: 6:45 p.m. Join us in the Gardens as we countdown to the lighting of the AAC Christmas Tree and sing Christmas Carols! Event Guidelines: • Reservations are required for the dinner buffet. • If your party is larger than 12, two tables next to one another are required to accommodate the entire reservation. Reservations Open October 26 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Country Club Attire

Reservations Open October 19 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Special Event Attire

s o c i a l / d i n i n g

Gingerbread House Making Reservations Available at 10:30a.m. ,12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m . $50 PER GINGERBREAD HOUSE KIT Assigned Seating. Includes a Gingerbread House, House-made Icing and an Assortment of Candy Selections Let’s share sweet treats and holiday cheer as Christmas is almost here! Build a house made of gingerbread as visions of sugarplums dance through your head! EVENT GUIDELINES: • If you are attending the event or assisting your child or grandchild, advanced registration is required due to limited seating. Please include the count of those in your family who are joining us, even if they are not making a gingerbread house. • Each party size is limited to 10 people. • The Royal Troon Grill will be open for Sunday a la carte brunch from 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Reservations are required for Royal Troon Grill dining. St. Andrews B a l l r o o m Gingerbread House Making S u n d a y , November 28

Reservations Open October 26

Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166

Country Club Attire

s o c i a l / d i n i n g

Tuesday, December 14 through Friday December 17 Seating is Available in the Royal Troon & Merion from Holiday Lunch Buffet For Private Dining Room inquiries, please contact the Club’s Catering Office at 770-448-7796 ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly! Come enjoy our Holiday Lunch Buffet with your family, friends and coworkers. An array of delectable lunch selections, featuring seasonal salads, seafood, carvings, and daily entree choices will be featured. Don’t forget, holiday desserts are a must! Reservations Open November 16 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Country Club Attire 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. $32 per person

BRUNCH WITH SANTA Sunday, December 5 Seating times available in the St. Andrews Ballroom at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m. $37 per Adult / $24 per Children Ages 3-12 Children Ages 2 and Under are Complimentary HO! HO! HO! Join us for a joyful brunch, gift making, and writing letters to Santa. CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES & PHOTOS WITH SANTA 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. We encourage you to arrive 30 minutes prior to your brunch reservation if you wish to have your photo with Santa. Photos are $10 for up to two copies of one pose. EVENT GUIDELINES • If your party is larger than 12, two tables next to one another in the St. Andrews Ballroom are required to accommodate the entire reservation. • The Royal Troon Grill will be open from 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. featuring a special holiday brunch: $37 per Adult / $24 per Children Ages -12 / Children Ages 3 and Under are Complimentary. If you wish to dine in the Royal Troon Grill, please call the Front Desk Concierge or go online under the Member Dining Website to make your dining reservation in the restaurant. Limited seating is available in the Troon Grill. You are welcome to enjoy all activities and have your photo taken with Santa for $10 for up to two copies of one pose.

Reservations Open November 2 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Special Event Attire

s o c i a l / d i n i n g

CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR A Magical Christmas Seating times for dinner are available in the St. Andrews Ballroom, The Royal Troon Grill & Merion at 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m. & 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY December 22 & TUESDAY December 21

Member: $80 per Adult $42 per Child Ages 3-12 Children Ages 2 and Under Complimentary Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. All Activities begin at 5:00 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. Our Christmas Spectacular, one of AAC’s most notable events of the year, is an unforgettable way to bring the whole family together, with something for all ages to delight in! A Magical Christmas promises to recreate your favorite classic Christmas memories with Mrs. Clause’s bake shop, a winter wonderland photo opt, Santa’s Workshop or cozy up with hot coco at our mountain lodge! It is highly encouraged that member use the AAC website to makes reservation in a timely fashion.

s o c i a l / d i n i n g


CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN BRUNCH Friday, December 24 in the St. Andrews Ballroom Seating times available at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., Noon, & 1 p.m. $32 per Adult $18 per Children Ages 3-12 Children Ages 2 and Under are Complimentary Join us for Christmas Stories with Mrs. Claus as we patiently wait for Santa’s arrival on Christmas Day! Enjoy a festive holiday brunch with storybook readings at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:30p.m. EVENT GUIDELINES • If your party is larger than 12, two tables next to one another in the St. Andrews Ballroom are required to accommodate the entire reservation.

EVENT GUIDELINES • Merion and The Royal Troon Grill reservations are welcome to have a maximum of 6 people. • If your party is larger than 12 in the St. Andrews Ballroom, two tables next to one another are required to accommodate the entire reservation. • Members are welcome to invite family. Family are defined as son(s), daughter(s), grandparent(s), grandchildren, sister(s), brother(s), in-law(s), niece(s), nephew(s), aunt(s), uncle(s), and cousin(s). • In an effort to ensure fairness, multiple reservations are not permitted under the same member number or for both days of the event. If you are unsure of your party size when registering, we recommend registering for the largest party size you may be and decreasing as needed. • The cancellation deadline is Friday, December 17, in accordance with the Club’s 72-hour cancellation policy for all member events. • All members with reservations may access the clubhouse and activities beginning at 5 p.m.

Reservations Open November 16 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Special Event Attire

Reservations Open November 30 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Special Event Attire

2 0 2 2 s o c i a l / d i n i n g

New Year’s Eve Family Celebration Friday, December 31 6:30 - 9 p.m. St. Andrews Ballroom $44 per Adult / $22 per Children Ages 3-12 Children Ages 2 and Under are Complimentary Don’t miss out on the family party of the year! All ages are welcome as we pop some bubbly and have some fun with our friends and family. Enjoy a cocktail or mocktail with a delightful New Year’s Eve dinner buffet. Join us for dancing and children’s activities as we countdown to a new year with our balloon drop just before we light up the sky with fireworks at 9 p.m. This event is open seating and designed to allow your family and friends to enjoy activities and dancing all night long! Assigned Seating will not be provided.

NEW YEAR’S EVE DINING Friday, Dec. 31 Celebrate 2021 by dinning with family and friends in one of the AAC’s many dining rooms! THE ROYAL TROON Regular a la cate Dinner service from 5 p.m.- 9 p.m. MERION Choice-of 4 course Pre-Fixe Menu | $105 per person Seating times from 6:30– 8:00 p.m. Each guests will receive a glass of Champagne to start their last meal of 2021! Please stay for the fireworks show at 9:00 PM following dinner.

Reservations Open November 16 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Special Event Attire

INTERLACHEN LOUNGE Live music will kick off the night at 7:30 p.m. Grab your friends and cheers to a new year!

Reservations Open November 16 Reserve online or contact the Clubhouse Concierge at 770-448-2166 Special Event Attire


SANTA’S SPA DAY Enjoy a one hour massage, one hour facial and one hour regular pol ish manicure/pedicure with a glass of wine for $250 HOLIDAY GLOW Look your best for the hol iday gather ings with a Hydrafacial ! Enjoy a compl imentar y booster upgrade (a $25 value) WINTER REJUVENATION Enjoy a f ree hai rcut with any color ser vice (new cl ients only) or a compl imentar y deep condit ioning t reatment with any cut and color ser vice (exist ing cl ients) Ho l i day Gl ow – Look your be s t for the ho l i day ga the r i ngs wi th a Hydra fac i a l ! En j oy a comp l iment ar y boos t e r upgrade ( a $25 va l ue ) Wi nt e r Re j uvena t i on – En j oy a f re e ha i rcut wi th any co l or s e r v i c e (new c l i ent s on l y ) or a Holiday Specials HOLIDAY BLISS NEED A GREAT GIFT? The Ret reat Spa of fers a wide array of gi f ts for ever yone on your l ist . From LuLuLemon to Barefoot Dreams , Fras ier Fi r candles , Olaplex and Moroccan Oi l , Jane Iredale and so much more! If a gi f t cer t i f icate is what you need, give us a cal l and we can have it ready and wrapped for you to pick up!

fitness and nutrition

Pinot and Pilates Thursday, November 11 6:00-7:00 pm


Winter 2021! We are excited to announce the arrival of new cardio equipment, expected early this winter. Our lineup will feature the newest equipment from LifeFitness, Precor, and Matrix, and will include the latest technology in the industry such as bluetooth connectivity, 22 inch LCD screens, and enhanced interactive content to push your workouts to new levels! Once we have a confirmed installation date we will announce dates and times for complimentary introductions on all of the equipment! Thank you for all of your feedback and to the Athletics Committee for assisting in the selections!

Pinot and Pilates will feature traditional mat exercises which consists of low impact flexibility, core strength, postural alignment and muscle balance. It is a great for a full body workout, leaving you feeling strong! . If you are new to Pilates or are a regular, this event is for you! Complimentary wine available at the conclusion of the class! Jingle Bells & Barre Thursday, December 9 6:00-7:00 pm

Jingle all the way through December with our special event featuring one of our most popular classes on the group exercise schedule – Barre! Complimentary holiday drinks and select wines available at the conclusion of the class!



of member needs as well as provided insight to help better evaluate play. With that said, I understand that sometimes when you come out to play it may appear there is no need to make a reservation. It is very important for us to capture all reservations so we can develop programs and assign dollars to our tennis department. As stated in our policies, all members must make a reservation and check guest in before play. As we move into colder, even freezing temperatures, the maintenance staff will be evaluating the clay courts every morning when there is frost. This may cause delays for the courts. Please remember, when our clay courts freeze they may not be playable for several hours or even days. I want to congratulate Carmen Garcia-Jersild, our Associate Director and Director of Ladies Tennis, for the past 10 years of service to our membership. Carmen was recognized in September for her 10 years as part of our staff. The ladies program at the AAC has grown substantially during her tenure and continues to, because of her dedication to the membership. Thank you Carmen for all you do to make this department a success!!

Junior Clinic

What an exciting year to be back on the courts, in full force. We had a busy year getting back in the swing, especially with our “new normal.” The staff and tennis committee completed our SWOT analysis this past September. We have been evaluating our programs and facilities. We designated areas of the program that we hope to boost and identified areas where we excelled. A huge thank you to our tennis committee and their leadership, Kevin Case and Jason Huggins. They are committed in their efforts to continue to bring tennis programs and facility that will meet our members’ current expectations as well as future improvements. Last year we introduced our online court reservation system. Utilization of the system, capturing tennis data, has been a valuable tool. It has allowed us a better understanding

Ladies Nights

Junior Clinic

t e n n i s

2021 WESLEYAN HIT & HOWL Our annual Hit & Howl tennis event is scheduled for Friday November 12 starting at 8:30 a.m. Annually, we partner with the Wesleyan’s Wolf Tracker to host a tennis fun day and luncheon. It’s a great way to meet new members and guests in a morning of tennis with raffles and prizes for all levels. If you are interested in participating contact the tennis center staff , or email AAC members Tricia Miller or Lee Callahan for more details.

Men’s Tennis

Men’s Night will be moving indoors for the winter season on Thursday, November 18. Two courts will be starting at 7 p.m. and the other two will start at 7:30 p.m. Don’t delay registering as space is limited to 16 players and it fills up quickly. You must register each week by Thursday at noon. Contact Jeff at ALTA DATES: November 6: Fall ALTA Playoffs November 13: Playoff Finals USTA DATES: Registration for Winter Men 40 and over opens November 29 and the deadline is January 18 Join us for our annual Thanksgiving and Holiday camps! The camps fill up very quickly so don’t delay registering! You will work on stroke production, play live ball games focusing on doubles play and match play. We look forward to seeing you on the courts! THANKSGIVING ADULT CAMP (Co-ed) November 22 – 24 9 – 11 a.m. Cost: $40 (per day) Co-ed HOLIDAY CAMP (Co-ed)

December 20 – 23 December 27 – 30 9 – 11 a.m. Cost: $40 (per day)

Ladies Program Year in Review | 202 1 t e n n i s

IF THE AAC TENNIS COURTS COULD SPEAK? WHAT WOULD THEY SAY? WOW! WOW! WOW! The AAC ladies’ program is thriving more than ever! We have over 400 ladies involved in our program (recreational and competitive) and everyone is enjoying the fun that tennis provides. We have many highlights for this year. In May we had four teams representing not only the AAC, but the whole City of Atlanta at the State Championships in Rome and Macon. The camaraderie shown by these teams, watching each other and pulling for one another, was very special. I need to mention these teams worked really hard to organize the teams as well as organize the teams’ travel to these USTA State tournaments. Out of the 4 teams going to state, one finished as State Champion and another one as Runner-Up State Champion. Here are the names of these four amazing teams who represented the Atlanta Athletic Club at the State Championship: 2.5 18 & over Thursday Team April Carlock (Captain) represented at the State Championship by Brooke Wooten and Ann Hoerner (Captains) STATE CHAMPIONS and competed at USTA Sectionals against other States. 3.0 18 & over Thursday Team Katie Mays and Leah Winkler (Captains) STATE RUNNER-UP 3.5 18 & over Thursday Team Beth Pombo and Katherine Malone (Captains) 4.5 18&over Sunday Team Christi Luskin and Jessica Dreher (Captains)

In addition to the teams who qualified for the State tournaments, many of our teams got to the playoffs and city finals. This past Spring, we had three ALTA Division Winners and three ALTA Division Runner-ups. Congratulations to these teams: B-5 | DIVISION WINNERS Thursday Patty Hopper and Valerie McMichael (Captains) C-1 | DIVISION WINNERS Thursday Amy Hobgood and Stacy Kilgore (Captains) B-7 | DIVISION WINNERS Sunday Melissa Cusimano and Clare Manning (Captains) AA-1 | DIVISION RUNNER-UP Thursday Jessica Dreher and Kelly Boling (Captains) B-2 | DIVISION RUNNER-UP Sunday Vanessa Brewster and Katherine Malone (Captains) B-3 | DIVISION RUNNER-UP Tuesday Ladies Katherine Malone and Connie Lussier (Captains) Then, this summer, the tradition continued with several of our teams reaching division winner and division runner-up status as well as going all the way to City and capturing the City Runner-up title. Congratulations to these team: 4.5 18 & over Thursday Team Jessica Dreher (Captain) DIVISION WINNER AND CITY RUNNER-UP 3.5 18& over Thursday Team Beth Pombo and Katherine Malone (Captains) CITY RUNNER-UP B-1 45 & over Thursday Night ALTA Team Katherine Malone (Captain) DIVISION WINNER

3.0 18 & over Thursday Team Jill Aycock and Erica Prante (Captains) DIVISION WINNER 3.0 18 & over Sunday Team Carrie Strickler and Katie Mays (Captains) DIVISION WINNER 3.5 40 & over Tuesday Team Katherine Malone and Shannon Collins (Captains) DIVISION WINNERS I want to say THANK YOU to our ALTA and USTA Captains for volunteering this past year. You are an outstanding group of ladies and make our tennis program run smoothly due to your dedication and leadership. DEADLINE COMING UP! If you are thinking or planning to switch to a different AAC team, the DEADLINE is Friday, Dec. 10, 2021 . This date is approximately six weeks before ALTA’s deadline. This allows proper planning by your Coordinator and Captain to retain a healthy number of players on the teams for the upcoming season. Thank you in advance for following the steps below: • Consult and discuss the move with your coordinator (Carmen Garcia-Jersild). • Inform your current captain and please remember to thank them for their hard work. We appreciate you following these simple steps. Following these steps signals respect for the captain’s and coordinator’s hard work in creating the team, assuring that everyone has a team to play on and that the teams have enough players season to season.

t e n n i s

Competitive Pathway Interested in playing in a competitive tennis league? Come and join us during the USTA winter season and take advantage of the four indoors courts we have for you. Come experience a different winter of tennis. Please contact me via e-mail at or via phone at 770-368-7740 and I will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Doubles Strategy Session Are you looking to practice just doubles strategy and court positioning? Contact me at to schedule a session. This class is great if you usually play with the same partner. I can help you make your partnership stronger by defining your strengths and weaknesses to maximize your wins.



Tennis 101 – Co-ed Clinic SIX-WEEK SESSION: SUNDAYS, 11 A.M. – 12 P.M. No experience necessary, and you get a free racquet! This co-ed class combines the basics of movement, balance, and swing-shapes to build all the necessary skills for athletes to develop into PLAYERS. Come learn to play the game and get the training you need to really improve! For details and start date please email Coach Seth at Six-week session cost: $109 Tennis 201 – Co-ed Clinic SIX-WEEK SESSION: SUNDAYS, 12 – 1 P.M. Ready to play? Learn positioning, scoring, and basic tactics in this fun play-based class! For details and start date please email Coach Seth for start date at Six-week session cost: $109

This class is geared towards players who are just starting to pick up the game. Athletes will learn all the necessary shots and techniques to begin to rally with friends. Participants will also be introduced to the rules, etiquette, and tennis vocabulary that they need to start to play. Register online or contact Seth at Intermediate Rusty Racquets Ladies’ Clinic SIX-WEEK SESSION: FRIDAYS, 11 A.M. – 12 P.M. NEW SESSION DECEMBER 3 – JANUARY 21 Designed specifically for the 2.0-3.0 levels, this class is perfect for ladies that are just starting to play competitively or who used to play and are anxious to get back into the game. We will cover stroke techniques, movement, and the 5 ball controls: height, distance, direction, speed, and spin. Drills will be cooperative and competitive and will help athletes get the maximum number of reps to master the skills they need to become players! Register online or contact Seth at Six-week session cost: $135 Six-week session cost: $135

Junior tennis

PICKLEBALL NIGHT Turkey Paddle Battle Friday, November 12 6:30 – 9 p.m. Cost: $15 Register online or contact Enock

Junior Clinics: It’s never too early to register! The next session begins November 29. There will be no clinics the week of Nov. 20 and Dec. 20. Mommy & Me, Monday and Wednesday 3:30 – 4 p.m. Pre Rally & Red Ball, Monday and Wednesday 4 – 5 p.m. Orange Ball, Monday and Wednesday 4 – 5:30 p.m. Green Ball, Tuesday and Thursday 5 – 6:30 p.m. Yellow Ball, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 5 – 7 p.m. Please contact Dominic Arbie at

UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER Friday, December 17 6:30 – 9 p.m. Cost: $15 Register online or contact Enock

Junior Camps Register your child for our Holiday Camps and get tennis in before the holidays! We will break into three age groups, 5 to 8, 9 to 12, and 12+. Groups will work on technique and endurance, following Net Generation lessons. At the end of the week, pizza will be provided for all the players! To register or for more information, please contact Dominic Arbie at or call the Tennis Center 770-368-7740. Jr. Tennis

Jr. Tennis Holiday Camp December 20 – 23 11 – 3 p.m. Member $45 per day, $160 for all days Non-Member $50 per day, $180 for all days

Thanksgiving Camp November 22 – 24 11 – 3 p.m. Member $45 per day, $120 for all days Non-Member $50 per day, $135 for all days

Junior Golf

We continiue to support our juniors and young golfers in our community! Below is a list of events the Junior Golf Fund has supported the last couple years NON AAC EVENTS/DONATIONS, ETC. 2020 • Scholarships for the High School Invitational • Donation to GSGA Youth on Course • Georgia State-Am Contribution to the GSGA • Donation to AAC Employee Assistance Fund • Supported local Special K’s 2021 • High School Invitational funding • Scholarshipsfor 2 High School Students • Donation to GSGA Youth on Course • Donation to local young golfer that lost his father • “Third”, to fund US Kids and GAPGA events • KPMG contribution to support womens golf and clinic • $5,000 contribution to the AJGA Foundation to support financially challenged junior golfers AAC JUNIOR EVENTS 2020 • Jr. Golf Banquet • Jr. Club Championship • Par 3 Match Play • Jr. Invitational • Jr. Big Break



2021 • Jr. Golf Banquet • Jr. Club Championship • Par 3 Match Play

• Jr. Invitational • Jr. Ryder Cup

youth activities

Weekly Events ** All of these events require r gistration. There are separate registrations for children 0-5 and 6+ years old. We need at least 6 kids signed up to have these events. We may cancel 24 hours in advance if there are not enough kids registered. SUNDAY FUNDAY 12:30-6:30 Every Sunday we have awesome Fun afternoons planned for the kids. November 28th Sunday Funday will begin at 2pm, due to gingerbread house making. MONDAY MOM’S MONDAY MIXERS 8am-11am or 1pm-3pm These two times slots are available for Mom’s to mingle while they leave the kids with us! Moms who register their kids for this can get discounts for same day facials and massages at the Retreat Spa. Appointments must be made in advance. THURSDAY EVENING 6-9pm For the little kids 0-5 years old we have Story Night! Come enjoy activities themed around the book of the night. For the big kids 6-12 years old we have Sports Night! Each week we will play and explore a different sport! NOThursday events or Drop-In on November 25th. Happy Thanksgiving. FRIDAY NIGHT FLICKS 6-9pm Come enjoy fun games, crafts, and activities themed around the movie of the night! There will be different activities for the different age groups. There will be NO Friday Flicks on December 24th. Merry Christmas! There will be NO Friday Flicks on December 31st. Join us for Family Fireworks. SATURDAY KIDS MORNING OUT 9am-12pm Come enjoy a fun morning with our Awesome Timbers Staff! Activities vary each week! There will be different activities for the different age groups. SATURDAY NIGHT: LETTING OFF S.T.E.A.M 6-9pm Bring the kids for some awesome Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics activities! There will be different activities for the different age groups. There will be no Letting Off S.T.E.A.M on November 27th. There will be No Saturday events on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.


The Timbers is SO EXCITED to dive into the Holiday Season! We have

awesome fun Holiday themed events for the kids! We also have camps ready for those kids who are out of school for the holidays! Stefanie Arrington 770-368-7109 | Timbers Drop-In Care vs Event/Camp Timbers Drop-In Care is Available Tuesday-Friday from 8:00am-3:00pm We absolutely love having your children here with us! Please understand that! However, there are guidelines we must operate under by Georgia law to be able to continue operating. Please be mindful of these guidelines because we could be audited by the state and we don’t want to lose our license to run Timbers and our other programming. • Children can only be here for a max of 4 hours per day and a total of 10 for the week. • These hours DO NOT include events or camps such as Fun Before 1 and Friday Flicks. • So for example your child can be here Tuesday for drop in for 4 hours, Wednesday for drop in for 4 hours, and Saturday for drop in for ONLY two more hours. They can ALSO be here in the same week for Friday Night Flicks. • There is a 10-minute grace period. After that, you will be charged time and a half. • During drop in care the parent must stay on premises. • During events/camps parents can leave the premises.

y o u t h a c t i v i t i e s

Upcoming Camps | AGES 6-12

Fall Fun Days! November 22, 23, 24 and 26 9am-3pm | Ages 6-12 | Full Day: $75 Half Day: $40

Everything we love about fall, Thanksgiving, and cool weather rolled into four awesome days of FUN! Daily sign up required.

Count Down to Christmas Camp December 20-24 9am-3pm | Ages 6-12 | Full Day: $75 Half Day: $40 Sign the kids up for one day or all 5 days as we count down to Christmas! We will be decorating cookies, making ornaments, and having lots of Holiday fun!

Santa’s Vacation Camp December 27-31 9am-3pm | Ages 6-12 | Full Day: $75 Half Day: $40

Christmas is over and it is time for Santa to take a break before preparations for next year begin! Come see what vacation looks like for Santa!

holiday hours

Clubhouse Closed afternoon of November 14 through november 16 The entire club will tentatively be closed beginning at 3 p.m. Sunday, November 14 and remain closed through Tuesday November 16 while maintenance is performed and the water is turned off. The golf course and bag room will remain open during regular hours. Thank you for your understanding while we make these much needed adjustments.

Clubhouse November 24 Regular Hours November 25 Close at 5 p.m. November 26 Regular Hours Clubhouse December 21-22 Christmas 11 a.m.-4 p.m. December 23 Regular Hours December 24 Christmas Eve Brunch Close at 5 p.m. December 26 Regular Hours Clubhouse December 31 Regular Hours January 1 Closed January 2 Regular Hours Spectacular Men’s Grill:

Golf November 24 Regular Hours November 25 Golf Shop Closed Walkers Allowed

Fitness November 24 Regular Hours November 25 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Tennis November 24 Closes at noon November 25 Closed November 26 Regular hours Tennis December 21-22 Regular Hours December 23 Regular Hours December 24 Closed December 26 Regular Hours

Timbers November 24 Regular Hours November 25 Closed November 26 Regular Hours Timbers December 21-22 Regular Hours December 23 Regular Hours December 24 Close at 3 p.m. December 26 Regular Hours

No Group Exercise Spa Closes at 2 p.m.

November 26 Regular Hours

November 26 Regular Hours

Thanksgiving Christmas new year ’ s

Golf December 21-22 Regular Hours December 23 Regular Hours December 24 Close at 3 p.m. December 26 Regular Hours

Fitness December 21-22 Regular Hours December 23 Regular Hours December 24 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. No Group Exercise Spa Closes at 2 p.m.

December 26 Regular Hours

The ent ire Club wi ll be Closed on December 25

Golf December 31 Closes at 5:30 p.m. January 1 Closed January 2 Walkers Only

Fitness December 31 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Tennis December 31 Close at noon January 1 Closed January 2 Regular Hours

Timbers December 31 Regular Hours January 1 Closed January 2 Regular Hours

No Group Exercise Spa Closes at 2 p.m. January 1 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. No Group Exercise- January 2 Regular Hours

Clubhouse Closed January 3-6 All Clubhouse Operations will be closed January 3-6. The Golf Course will be open for walkers only January 4-6 on the Highlands Course and the Par 3 Course. The Pro Shop and Bag Room will be open from 9 a.m.-5 a.m. to provide assistance with golf clubs and tee times. The Clubhouse and Golf Departments will return to normal hours on Friday, January 7. We appreciate your patience.

Atlanta Athletic Club 1930 Bobby Jones Drive Johns Creek, GA 30097

T H E C LUB T I ME S Published by: Atlanta Athletic Club 770-448-2166


BOA RD OF D I R E CTOR S Tim Bentsen , President/Strategic Planning Bruce Barfield , Chairman/Chair, Heritage Kevin Costello , Treasurer/Chair, Finance Scott Levy , Chair Athletics / Vice Chair, Membership Kevin Case , Chair Tennis Justin Hester , Chair Membership Brad Kuehn , Chair Golf / Vice Chair, Athletics John Stakel , Chair Golf Grounds Jason Huggins , Chair House / Vice Chair, Tennis Andy Dunn , Vice Chair, Finance and House Jim Kiker , Vice Chair, Golf and Grounds David Sheppard , CCM Secretary/COO

S EN I OR S TA F F David Sheppard , CCM - General Manager/COO Margaret Almand – Executive Assistant Tony Kelley – Chief Financial Officer Phil Barber , CCM – Club Manager Bud Taylor – Director of Golf Jeff Chandley – Director of Tennis James W. Cole – Director of Facilities Management Neil Doldo – Director of Fitness Lukus Harvey – Director of Agronomy Erica Smith – Membership Director Kelsey Payne – Director of Catering Ansley Brackin – Communications Director Gary Wheeler – Human Resources Director

Main/Front Desk.... ..................770-448-2166 General Manager......................770-368-7704 Aquatics....................................770-368-7780 Barber Shop..............................770-368-7748 Catering.................. ..................770-368-7791 Club Manager......... ..................770-368-7705 Communications. .. ..................770-368-7701 Golf Course Maintenance.........770-448-8311 Fitness Center. ....... ..................770-368-7770 Golf Shop................ ..................770-448-8552 Golf Starter............. ..................770-448-3825 Jones Center. .......... .................770-368-7759 Info. Technology. ... ..................770-368-7742 Membership. .......... ..................770-368-7702 Security................... ..................770-368-7797 Tennis Center......... ..................770-368-7740 The Retreat Spa. ..... ..................770-368-7739 The Timbers. .......... ..................770-368-7783

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