Club TImes: March/April 2023
s o c i a l / d i n i n g
Ladies Bridge Association We had a spectacular hol iday celebration in December which included round robin bridge play and a lunch buffet . The event sold out in just a few days
On March 16th The AAC Book Club will meet at 4:00 p.m. in the Ladies Locker Room to discuss, The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi. On April 20th the book, The Second Life of Mirielle West by Amanda Skenandore will be discussed. This meeting will be at the same time(4:00 p.m.) in the Ladies Locker Room. Any questions please email Nancy Ortner No R.S.V.P. is needed and all the ladies are welcome! Book Club Upcoming Reads
Lynn is also teaching Continuing Bridge lessons on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm as schedule al lows. This is open to al l Ladies Bridge Association members. Each Wednesday afternoon the Bridge room is packed as players arrive to par ticipate in Social or Dupl icate Bridge on a rotating basis each week . There is always a big turn-out for a fun group dinner fol lowing the Wednesday play. Marathon bridge runs from August through March. Member-member par tners play other Club members monthly, with each pair organizing their competitive matches. Another great venue to increase your ski l l and get to know others. Is your spouse/signi f icant other wanting to join the fun? Couples bridge is a huge hit each month. Couples enjoy a late afternoon of bridge fol lowed by a group dinner. DATES TO REMEMBER : Tuesdays Beginners Play Day 2:30 pm Wednesdays Social or Dupl icate 2:45 pm Fr idays Couples Bridge 1/month 3:45 pm
and was enjoyed by al l . Ver y festive and fun! The winners were Sharon Perr y and Frankie Doughtie.
The Beginners group faithful ly meets ever y Tuesday afternoon to continue our learning . It could not happen without out enthusiastic and dedicated mentors Mare Mi l ls and Tor y Whipple. If you are interested in learning the game of Bridge please contact Tor yWhip@ comcast .net to learn about upcoming lessons.
We had a sel l-out crowd for brand new beginner bridge lessons that began in Januar y instructed by Lynn K lei fgen. As the newbies graduate from the initial classes , they wi l l be joining the Tuesday practice fun.
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