By the Decade
1951 Dot Kirby wins U.S. Women’s Amateur Championship Water shows begin at the City Club pool which includes a special dinner. Tickets cost $1.25 and become a big family night dinner
Pictured: Dot Kirby with U.S. Women’s Amateur trophy
1957 Bingo starts at Eastlake for the first time. Cocktails and a buffet precede Bingo. Between East Lake and Downton City Club, members now have access to golf, a health club, a swimming pool, and various social events.
Pictured: Carnegie Pool
1949 The City Club undergoes remodeling. A fourth floor is added for events and makes it the city’s finest social club
Pictured: East Lake Clubhouse in 1950
1956 The AAC Mermaids win first place in the Amateur Athletic Union synchronized swimming
competition, a national event.
Pictured: Clubhouse dining
Pictured: Downtown club interior illustration
Fabulous 50’s were full of socializing and celebrating at AAC. Newly completed renovations allowed for many memorable events to take place. AAC members enjoyed access to sports, recreational activities, facilities, and entertainment events. In the decade following WWII, the Club continued to expand and enjoy athletic achievements by many talented members on the national stage.
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