18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
The retiring President automatically becomes the Chairman of the Board.
I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee, a non-voting member of the Board, and an advisor to the President. B. Serve as Parliamentarian. She shall familiarize herself with Robert’s Rules of Order. She shall insure that no vote or action is in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws, Rules, and Policy and Procedure Manual. C. Present the gift to the retiring President at the Closing Brunch. D. Be responsible for sending sympathy and get well cards, and for administering the Sunshine Fund and Memorial expenditures. E. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch - one for the President, one for the Secretary and one in the Chairman of the Board Notebook. II. 1. Send cards on timely basis when notified of illness or death of an AACWGA member or an immediate family member of an AACWGA member, including spouses and adult children. The cost of cards and stamps is paid out of the Sunshine Fund. 2. Memorial Donations: a. Make a donation to the family’s selected charity whenever a member or the spouse of a member dies. b. Request a check from the Treasurer and notify the family when the donation is made. The amount to be donated is $25 for a member or spouse. c. The amount for memorials for AACWGA Past Presidents is $50. B. CHAIRMAN OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1. At least twelve weeks prior to the Closing Brunch, the President appoints two members to serve on the Nominating Committee. a. The Chairman of the Board shall review with the President the job performance of all Officers and Committee Chairmen. This information shall be shared with the Nominating Committee. b. The Chairman will schedule a meeting of the Committee, requesting each member to arrive with suggestions for nominations. c. The Committee shall prepare a proposed Slate of Officers and Committee Chairmen. Each nominee should be contacted for acceptance. This slate shall be emailed to members and posted on the association bulletin board four weeks in advance of the Closing Brunch. The President should receive a copy of the slate to be included in her fall letter. d. The Chairman shall present the proposed slate at the Closing Brunch. The President will accept nominations from the floor, and if there are none, the vote is called by the President. Nominees receiving a majority of votes by those members present and voting are declared elected. III. YEAR END 1. October – Arrange for outgoing President’s Gift and submit receipt for reimbursement. Present gift at the Closing Brunch. 2. Prior to the Closing Brunch, submit a copy of year-end report to the President and Secretary, and put one copy in the notebook. Also submit all outstanding bills to the Treasurer for reimbursement or payment. 3. If you have any recommended P&P updates, please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. TIME TABLE A. ONGOING 4
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