18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors and be responsible for all papers and correspondence and updating the AACWGA webpage with the most current updates and changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual. Her term may be two years. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Record minutes of all Board meetings, Executive Committee meetings and any other meetings as requested by the President. B. Revise all Policy and Procedure Manual changes, Constitution changes, and By-law changes. Make sure the most recent version of the Policy and Procedure Manual is updated on the AACWGA webpage. C. Maintain records of all minutes, year-end reports and current and past Policy and Procedure Manuals. D. Maintain Motions Summary Workbook for each calendar year. II.
TIMETABLE A. MINUTES 1. All minutes should be typed and contain the following: a. Call to Order b. Date, time and place of meeting c. Names of members present, and members absent d. Approval of previous minutes e. Reports from each of the following Executive Members: 1) Chairman of the Board 2) President
3) 1 st Vice President 4) 2 nd Vice President
5) Secretary 6) Treasurer f. Reports from the Chairperson of the following Standing Committees: 1) Awards 2) Communications 3) House
4) Publicity 5) Play Day 6) Sunday Events 7) Mentor Chairman
2. Email minutes to each of the Board Members within 2 weeks of the meeting. Each Board Member will be responsible for reviewing and printing the minutes and updating her notebook. B. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1. Type all changes and revisions to the By-Laws and to the Policy and Procedure Manuals. Give By-Law changes to President for posting prior to general membership vote. 2. Assure all Policy and Procedure changes are updated on the AACWGA website.
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