18 Hole Policies and Procedure Manuals
The retiring President automatically becomes the Chairman of the Board.
I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee, a non-voting member of the Board, and an advisor to the President. B. Serve as Parliamentarian. She shall familiarize herself with Robert’s Rules of Order. She shall insure that no vote or action is in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws, Rules, and Policy and Procedure Manual. C. Present the gift to the retiring President at the Closing Brunch. D. Be responsible for sending sympathy and get well cards, and for administering the Sunshine Fund and Memorial expenditures. E. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch - one for the President, one for the Secretary and one in the Chairman of the Board Notebook. II. 1. Send cards on timely basis when notified of illness or death of an AACWGA member or an immediate family member of an AACWGA member, including spouses and adult children. The cost of cards and stamps is paid out of the Sunshine Fund. 2. Memorial Donations: a. Make a donation to the family’s selected charity whenever a member or the spouse of a member dies. b. Request a check from the Treasurer and notify the family when the donation is made. The amount to be donated is $25 for a member or spouse. c. The amount for memorials for AACWGA Past Presidents is $50. B. CHAIRMAN OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1. At least twelve weeks prior to the Closing Brunch, the President appoints two members to serve on the Nominating Committee. a. The Chairman of the Board shall review with the President the job performance of all Officers and Committee Chairmen. This information shall be shared with the Nominating Committee. b. The Chairman will schedule a meeting of the Committee, requesting each member to arrive with suggestions for nominations. c. The Committee shall prepare a proposed Slate of Officers and Committee Chairmen. Each nominee should be contacted for acceptance. This slate shall be emailed to members and posted on the association bulletin board four weeks in advance of the Closing Brunch. The President should receive a copy of the slate to be included in her fall letter. d. The Chairman shall present the proposed slate at the Closing Brunch. The President will accept nominations from the floor, and if there are none, the vote is called by the President. Nominees receiving a majority of votes by those members present and voting are declared elected. III. YEAR END 1. October – Arrange for outgoing President’s Gift and submit receipt for reimbursement. Present gift at the Closing Brunch. 2. Prior to the Closing Brunch, submit a copy of year-end report to the President and Secretary, and put one copy in the notebook. Also submit all outstanding bills to the Treasurer for reimbursement or payment. 3. If you have any recommended P&P updates, please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. TIME TABLE A. ONGOING 4
4. Between the Closing Brunch and the first Board Meeting of the new year, (which is usually held in early December), meet with your successor, and turn over all records. Ask her to review the records prior to the Board meeting so any questions she may have can be addressed at that meeting.
Effective March 2000 Revised January 2001 Revised November 2001 Revised April 2004 Revised November 2004 Revised January 2008 Revised January 2014 Revised January 2017 Revised October 2018 Revised January 2022
ATLANTA ATHLETIC CLUB WOMEN’S 18 HOLE GOLF ASSOCIATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL PRESIDENT The President is responsible for the general management and supervision of the current affairs of AACWGA. She shall insure the proper performance of the duties of all Officers and Committee Chairmen. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Serve as an Ex-Officio member of all Committees and special committees except the Nominating Committee. B. Vote only in the event of a tie on matters before the Board. C. Maintain possession of the AACWGA gavel and President’s Book. D. Schedule and preside at all meetings of the Association. E. Supervise and/or handle all correspondence of the Association. Accept any correspondence addressed to the Association and review with the Board of Directors for response. F. Appoint replacements for Board vacancies and Committee Chairmen vacancies with the approval of the Executive Committee. G. Maintain all records and information contained in the President’s Book. Maintain a timeline list of activities and decisions made during the year to be passed on to the next President. H. Represent the AACWGA as a member of the AAC Golf Committee by attending their meetings beginning April 1 st (following election) and continuing through March 31 st of the next year, to coincide with the Golf Committee year. Prepare a report on association activities and participation in events. If unable to attend, secure another Board member to attend as a substitute. I. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch . One copy for the Secretary, one TIME TABLE A. NOVEMBER 1. Announce Locker Room Party and Christmas party at the Closing Brunch. 2. Notify the new Board of the date and location of the Transitional meeting (to be held within two weeks of the Closing Brunch). 3. Update the AAC 18-Holer website. B. EARLY JANUARY 1. Prepare a welcome letter to be emailed after the calendar has been finalized. The letter should include: a. Date and time of Opening Meeting and Opening Day Tournament for the incoming President, and one for the President’s Notebook. J. Organize and be the Chairman of the President’s Cup Tournament. II.
b. Date and time of Rules Clinic c. Membership Application form d. Deadline for Registration
2. Obtain from the Treasurer the bank statements and check/deposit report for audit. 3. Prepare and submit a Presidential letter and updated photo for the AAC website.
C. JANUARY 1. Send out an email invitation to the Executive Committee at least two weeks prior for the Budget Committee Meeting. Invite the full Board of Directors for the January Planning Meeting, giving the date, time, and place of the meeting. 2. Budget Committee Meeting – Set budget for the coming year. The 1 st Vice-President should be able to give a fairly accurate estimate of membership dues. This may require a preliminary discussion with the Treasurer. 3. Prepare an Agenda for the Planning Meeting with the Order of Business below. a. Call to Order b. Roll Call c. Reading and approval of the Minutes from the last Board meeting. d. Reports from Executive Committee 1) Chairman of the Board 2) First Vice President - Report status of calendar, membership status and review yearbook information. 3) Second Vice President - Report status of tournament committees. Report current USGA Handicap regulations and any rules changes and date for Rules Clinic. 4) Secretary 5) Treasurer – Present proposed budget for approval. e. Reports from the Chairmen of the Standing Committees 5) Awards Chairman - Review budget amounts and policies covering prizes for each tournament. Report status of inventory of Birdie, Eagle, Hole-in-One, Break 80, 90, and 100 awards. 6) Sunday Events Chairman 7) Mentor Chairman 8) Pro Shop Liaison f. Old Business - Include any Constitution, By-Laws, and/or Procedures Manual changes. g. New Business h. Announcements i. Adjournment D. FEBRUARY 1. Contact Past Presidents and new members to request their attendance at the Opening Meeting. 2. Ensure sign-ups are available 2 weeks in advance of the Opening Meeting and Opening Golf Day. 3. Invite the General Manager, Club Manager, Director of Golf, and Pro Shop Liaison(s) to attend and speak at the Opening Brunch/Lunch. May also invite: Director of Agronomy, Head Golf Pro, and Head Teaching Pro. 4. Have place cards for the Board Members, new members, and special invited guests. 5. Organize, schedule and flight for the annual President’s Cup Tournament in accordance with the procedures documented under the “PlayDay Section” in the Annual Directory and inserted below. 1) Play Day Chairman 2) Publicity Chairman 3) House Chairman 4) Communications
President’s Cup: *No Entry Fee. *Annual budget for prizes.
* Format is a season-long, two-person team match play. Strokes will be given by applying the differential off the lowest handicap in the foursome. 100% of the player’s USGA current handicap will be used for each round. A specified time period is scheduled for each round of play. Members may choose their partners but must adhere to a maximum of a ten (10) stroke handicap index differential. * Field: 32 players made up of 4 Flights of 4 Two-Person Teams, or 40 players made up of 5 Flights of 4 Two-Person Teams. * Flight Determination - The teammates’ indexes will be added together and that total will then be ranked from lowest to highest. The lowest 4 totals will be Flight One, second lowest 4 will be Flight Two, next 4 will be Flight Three and final 4 will be Flight Four. * Strokes are determined off the lowest handicap of the group. Current handicaps will be used for each match. * Players pick their teammate. The same teammates may not play together more than two years in a row, unless the teammates win in their second year, then they are allowed a 3rd year together. If the teammate is unable to play in the allotted time for that given round, a substitute may be used. The substitute may not already be on another team AND must have a handicap within + or - 2 strokes of the player she is replacing. * Players must post their scores into the USGA GHIN app. immediately following play. * HANDICAP: Strokes are determined off the lowest handicap of the group. The most up to date handicaps will be used for each match. 100% of the player’s USGA current handicap will be used for each round. Strokes will be given by applying the differential off the lowest handicap in the foursome. Players may choose their partner but must adhere to a maximum of a ten (10) stroke handicap index differential. * FORMAT: Season Long, Two Person Match Play. Each two-person team will play a match against the other three teams in their flight. Each match is 18 holes, net better ball, where players record either a “1” for winning the hole, “0“for losing the hole, or “1/2” for tying the hole. All 18 holes must be played. *When all three matches have been played in each flight, the team with the most cumulative points earned over the three matches is deemed the winner of the flight. *Flights will result in 1 semi-final flight (ties to be broken by an 18-hole playoff) and 5 flights will result in 2 semi-final flights with all ties advancing to the semi-finals. *When more than 4 flights exist, wildcard positions will be filled by the next highest points totals from all flights until all 8 seeds are filled. *The flight winners will then be bracketed and will play each other to determine the overall President’s Cup Tournament winner for the year. * The overall winners will receive a “take home” trophy. * TIME FRAMES: All Matches must be played within the following order and time frame (NO EXCEPTIONS): Each team is responsible for coordinating their match within the time frame given for each round. Any matches that are incomplete at the start of the next round will receive 0 points. * Play schedule within each flight is as follows: Round 1: Team A vs. Team D & Team B vs. Team C Round 2: Team A vs. Team C & Team B vs. Team D Round 3: Team A vs. Team B & Team C vs. Team D Round 4: Flight Winners Play-Off for Overall Champ
E. MARCH 1. Ensure the 1st Vice President will be ready to distribute yearbooks at the Opening Meeting. 2. Plan and prepare the agenda for Opening Meeting to include: a. Invocation b. Program/speakers, after which invited guests are thanked and permitted to leave c. Business Meeting 1) Call to order and greetings. 2) Recognize Past Presidents and new members. 3) Recording Secretary – Reading of the Minutes from Closing Brunch. d. Executive Committee Reports 1) Chairman of the Board
2) 1 st Vice President 3) 2 nd Vice President 4) Secretary 5) Treasurer – budget presentation e. Standing Committee Chairmen Reports
1) Play Days 2) Publicity 3) House 4) Communications 5) Awards 6) Sunday Events 7) Mentor Chairman 8) Pro Shop Liaison
f. Old Business g. New Business – to include budget approval h. Announcements and Door Prizes (if applicable) i. Adjournment
F. APRIL/MAY 1. Begin attending Golf Committee Meetings. 2. Obtain volunteers for the Spring Men’s Invitational. 3. Hold a Mid-Year Board Meeting. 4. Secure volunteers for Men’s Invitational in June. G. AUGUST 1. At least twelve weeks prior to the Closing Brunch, appoint two members to serve on the Nominating Committee alongside the Chairman of the Board. 2. Review the current job performance of all Officers and Committee Chairmen with the Chairman of the Board. 3. Secure volunteers for Men’s Invitational in October. H. OCTOBER 1. Prepare and submit next year’s calendar requests for the Director of Golf. 2. EARLY OCTOBER - Obtain Gifts for President’s Cup Winners and Runner Up 3. Prior to the Closing Brunch, hold a final Executive Board Meeting to discuss raising dues, budget changes, etc.. 4. Prepare a letter to the membership to be emailed four (4) weeks prior to the Closing Brunch/Lunch to include: a. Date, time, location, and contact person b. Express appreciation for retiring Board Members.
c. Present proposed slate of Officers and Board of Directors. d. Any other pertinent information. e. Include Christmas Party Invitation from House Chairman as an attachment 5. Invite the General Manager, Club Manager, Director of Golf, and Pro Shop Liaison(s) to attend and speak at the Closing Brunch. May also invite: Director of Agronomy, Head Golf Pro, and Head Teaching Pro. Keep speeches to a minimum considering the extended program/awards presentation. 6. Arrange for place cards for the Board Members and special invited guests. 7. Plan and prepare the Agenda for the Closing Brunch to include: a. Welcome and Invocation. b. Brunch c. Program, after which invited guests are thanked and permitted to leave d. Business Meeting 1) Call to order and greetings 2) Thank retiring Board Members. 3) Secretary - Reading of the Minutes from the Opening Brunch/Lunch 4) Treasurer – Financial Statement e. Executive Committee Reports 1) Chairman of the Board
2) 1 st Vice President 3) 2 nd Vice President
4) Secretary 5) Treasurer f. Standing Committee Chairmen Reports
1) Play Days 2) Publicity 3) House 4) Communications 5) Awards 6) Sunday Events 7) Mentor Chairman 8) Pro Shop Liaison
g. Old Business h. New Business i. Presentation of ALL Awards – including those presented earlier in the year j. Election of Officers and Committee Chairmen 1) Proposed Slate presented by the Nominating Committee Chairman 2) Nominations accepted from the floor. If none, call for the vote. 3) Vote by show of hands or voice. 4) Nominees receiving a majority of votes by those present and voting are declared elected. 1. Preside at the Closing Brunch 2. Prepare a year-end report as quickly as possible. Email a copy to the incoming President for review. 3. Prior to the Closing Brunch , submit copy of year-end report to the Secretary and file a copy in the President’s Notebook. Also submit to the Treasurer any outstanding bills for reimbursement or payment.
4. Write thank you notes to Club Grounds, House and Banquet Managers, as well as to Director of Golf, for their assistance in making the year successful. 5. If you have any recommended P&P updates, please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. 6. Between the Closing Brunch and the first Board meeting of the new year (which is usually held in early December) , meet with your successor, and turn over all records. Ask her to review the records prior to the Board meeting so any questions she has can be addressed at that meeting.
Effective March 2000 Revised January 2001 Revised August 2002 Reviewed April 2004 Revised November 2004 Revised January 2014 Revised October 2017 Revised October 2018 Revised January 2022 Revised November 2022 Revised January 2023 Revised December 2023
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The First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in her absence. She shall act as Ex-Officio with the President on all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall be responsible for membership and for the compiling and printing of the Association yearbook. She will obtain the approved yearly golf calendar schedule and work with the Pro Shop Liaison, Play Day Chair and any other designated board member to finalize all details for the golfing year. She shall serve as chairman of the Fall Invitational (Member-Guest) Tournament. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Perform the duties of the President in her absence. B. Act as Ex-Officio with the President on all committees except the Nominating Committee. C. Be responsible for membership and any updates throughout the year, and for the compiling and printing of the Association Yearbook. D. Serve as Chairman of the Member-Guest Tournament. E. Prepare detailed calendar of golfing events and submit to the board for approval. F. Prepare a year-end report in triplicate prior to the Closing Brunch . One copy for the President, one for the Secretary and one for the First Vice President’s Notebook. II. TIME TABLE A. MEMBERSHIP 1. November – Before the Closing Brunch, confirm the existing membership is up to date in the yearbook. 2. Provide a hardcopy of the membership at the Closing Brunch to confirm the next seasons participation. 3. Members will be billed on their AAC account in February for the upcoming golf season. 4. Keep track of members who have renewed by creating a spreadsheet and send to the President and Treasurer. 5. When a new member joins, notify the President, and the entire Board, along with the Pro Shop Liaison and Golf Clinic Pro. 6. Update the Membership Form to the new calendar year along with any other changes made by the Board for the upcoming year. Have printed copies available in the Ladies Locker Room and update on the AAC 18 Hole Website. B. YEARBOOK January – 1. Begin work on additions, deletions, and changes to the previous yearbook. 2. Contact the Yearbook Printing Company to review deadline dates, format and pricing. a. Review all information with President and Treasurer before any final decisions. 3. Obtain approved golf calendar for the coming year from the President. 4. Meet with Pro Shop Liaison, Play Day Chair, and any other designated board member to review calendar, plan and finalize all details. a. At Least 4 Low Gross/Low Net Days for each course need to be included. 5. AWGA playday(s) at AAC should be noted on the yearbook calendar and every attempt should be made to avoid conflicts. 6. Make sure New Members, Previous Members, Social Members, Emeritus Members, and Past President symbols are placed before the appropriate names in the yearbook.
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Early February – 1. Late membership renewals and/or new members may still be added. Ask for assistance in proofing the first and second drafts of the yearbook to eliminate as many errors as possible by sending out a digital link to all members to review their information for any corrections. 2. Submit finalized calendar to the board for review and approval. 3. Once everything is approved, plan for at least 3 weeks for printing and final proofing in order to have the yearbooks prior to the Opening Brunch in early March. Order 6-8 extra copies. 4. Attach self-sticking name labels to the yearbooks to aid in handing them out, or see if the printing company can add names within budgeted amount. Only those members who have paid their dues may receive copies. 5. Have the new yearbook at the Opening Brunch for distribution. 6. Ongoing – As changes and additions to the yearbook come in, send out an e-mail with member updates and make changes to the AAC 18 Hole website documents as well. C. FALL INVITATIONAL (MEMBER/GUEST) TOURNAMENT 1. April – Form a tournament committee made up of a diverse group of members, a Past President, and the Second Vice President. 2. May and subsequent months – Hold the first committee meeting to set up a working budget, divide responsibilities, and create a schedule of future meetings. (2) Partnerships – in odd numbered years, partnerships will consist of four person teams (2 members and 2 guests), and in even years, partnerships will consist of two person teams (1 member and 1 guest). (3) Cost for twosome (4) Food (5) Invitations (6) Prizes and tee gifts (7) A Sign-up link will be sent out via the Pro Shop Liaison for registration, including member name plus guest’s name, club name, and GHIN number. (8) Entry fees for members and guests will be billed on the Member’s AAC Club account. c. Have Pro Shop Liaison verify all handicaps. 90% of each player’s USGA Handicap will be used. Handicap TBD. d. Prepare and submit Tournament Information Sheet. e. Arrange to have Master Rules, Format Sheets and any other items placed on each cart. f. Arrange for Pro Shop Liaison to greet and welcome guests, review tournament rules and format and start tournament. g. Provide a gift/tip for the Locker Room Attendant(s) and a tip for the Bag Room. h. Prepare an itemized expense report for the tournament. i. All money received from entry fees and spent internally at AAC during this tournament should be handled by the Association’s Treasurer. 3. October - prepare a comprehensive tournament report to include: a. Summary of event with names of committee members and assignments b. Steps taken to organize event c. Rules for participation and selection process for format d. Registration fee e. Copy of proposed budget compared to actual expenditures f. Number of attendees Preparations for the tournament should include: a. Reading reports from the past few years. b. Making final decisions on: (1) Format
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g. Winners of event h. Description of awards given i. Description of gifts given to participants j. Names of contact persons and Pro Shop Liaison(s) k. Any other pertinent information that would help the next chairperson D. YEAR END 1. Read President’s duties in the Policy & Procedures Manual in order to be prepared for tasks beginning in November. 2. Prior to the Closing Brunch, submit a copy of year-end report to both the President and Secretary, and file one in the First Vice President’s notebook. Submit all outstanding bills to the Treasurer for reimbursement or payment. 3. If you have any recommended P&P updates , please document and present to the Board during the first Board meeting of the new year. 4. Between the Closing Brunch and the first Board meeting of the new year, (which is usually held in early December) , meet with your successor, and turn over all records. Ask her to review the records prior to the Board meeting so any questions she may have can be addressed at that meeting.
Effective March 2000 Revised January, November 2001 Revised August 2002 Revised April, November 2004 Revised January, September 2009 Revised January 2010 Revised January 2014 Revised January, October 2015 Revised October 2018
Revised November 2020 Revised January 2022 Revised January 2023 Revised December 2023
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The Second Vice President, in the absence of the President and the First Vice President, shall perform their duties. She shall automatically hold the office of Tournament Chairman. She shall be responsible for working with the designated Pro Shop liaison to ensure members’ handicaps are being properly maintained and periodically spot checking for accuracy of members’ posting their scores, and she shall post and report all changes in U.S.G.A. or Local Rules. She shall work with the Play Day chair and Pro Shop Liaison throughout the season and for end of the year calculations and awards to ensure all AACWGA 18 Hole Tournament Scores, all Play Day Scores and all allocated Golfer of The Year Points are accurately and promptly input into the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” and into the Play Day Chair’s spreadsheets. She will oversee End of the Year Awards and giving them out during the Closing Brunch. I. GENERAL DUTIES A. Assume the duties of the President and the First Vice President in their absence. B. Serve as the Tournament Chairman and oversee all the scheduled tournaments for the year. C. Post U.S.G.A. and Local Rules and work with Pro Shop Liaison to conduct annual Rules Clinic. D. Work with Play Day chair and Pro Shop Liaison throughout the season to ensure all AACWGA 18 Hole Tournament Scores, all Play Day Scores and all allocated Golfer of The Year Points are accurately and promptly input into the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” and into Play Day Chair’s spreadsheets. E. Work with the designated Pro Shop liaison to ensure members’ handicaps are being properly maintained and periodically spot checking for accuracy of members’ posting their scores. F. Review and tabulate the End of The Year Results for All Awards and Golfer of The Year with the designated Pro Shop liaison and the Play Day Chair utilizing the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application”, and cross-referencing with the Play Day Chairman’s spreadsheet, to ensure year end accuracy. G. Work with the Awards Chairman to obtain the winners of the Ringers Low Gross and Low Net for Highlands & Riverside, and the Most Birdies from the Play Day Ringer Books. H. Prepare and give to the Pro Shop Liaison the End Of The Year Awards tabulation sheet with current approved dollar amounts for each award so Gift Certificates can be printed up for the Closing Brunch. (Attachment F) I. Present awards at the Closing Brunch. J. Send email out with recap of all Awards to the membership. K. Prepare a detailed year-end report in triplicate including the names of all tournament and award winners, prior to the Closing Brunch. II. TIME TABLE A . TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN 1. January – Choose Tournament Coordinators for all the yearly tournaments and events: a. Championship, Handicap, Dutch Treat, Team Play, Member/Member, Pro Lady and Fall Tournaments. 2. Mid-January – Verify with Awards Chair that all trophies and medallions are on hand or ordered for the year, and coordinate storage until each tournament is played. Also verify that all trophies from last season have been engraved with last year’s winners.
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3. Late January – Schedule a Tournament Committee meeting or meet with each Tournament Coordinator individually or as a group to distribute information: a. Opening and Closing Tournament b. Championship Tournament c. Handicap Tournament
d. Dutch Treat e. Team Play f. Member/Member g. Pro Lady h. Fall Tournament 4. At the meeting, give each Tournament Coordinator a notebook with: a. Dates of Tournament Play b. Copy of Tournament Coordinator Checklist, Attachment A c. Copy of Committee Report, Attachment B d. Copy of Tournament Information Sheet, Attachment C
e. Copy of Expense Request Form, Attachment D f. Copy of Committee Budget Form, Attachment G g. Date the e-mail with details and sign-ups for each tournament should go out 5. First of February – Prepare a calendar of events and give a copy to the AAC Member Events Director, advising them which events will require a meal and room set up. a. List date, time, individual to contact, and an approximate number of attendees for each of the following events. The appropriate contacts are listed below. 1) Opening Meeting, Opening Tournament, Closing Tournament, Closing Brunch – House Chairman 2) Dutch Treat Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator
3) Team Play Tournament Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator 4) Handicap Tournament Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator 5) Member/Member Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator 6) Invitational - Member/Guest Luncheon(s) – First Vice President 7) Pro Lady Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator 8) Championship Tournament Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator 9) Fall Tournament Luncheon – Tournament Coordinator 10) Christmas Party Dinner/Dance – House Chairman
6. February – Arrange and plan the Opening Day Tournament with the House Committee. Display a poster in the locker room, work with the Pro Shop Liaison on the details and setting up the sign-up link, and work with the Pro-Shop Liaison and Communications Chairman to send out the detailed e-mail with the sign-up link to the members. a. Arrange Ladies Rules Clinic with Pro Shop liaison(s). It is usually held with the Opening Meeting. b. Assist and advise Tournament Coordinators with decisions regarding their tournaments. Stay in close contact with them before and during their events. c. Require Coordinators to submit signed and dated reports as soon as possible after their tournament is completed. (See Attachments B, C, D and G) d. Do not remove reports from the Tournament Book except to copy. 7. March-November 1. At the beginning of the season , ensure updated handicap information is in the locker room and remind members of the responsibilities for posting scores at the Opening Brunch. Give examples of the most identified problems:
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a. Awareness of checking for and playing to the member ’ s current handicap b. Recording, signing, dating, and attesting an accurate score card c. Posting accurate scores (Players are responsible for posting every time they play, except when the Pro Shop enters scores for Play Days and Tournaments). d. Remind members that if discrepancies are identified during tournament play, the member will be excluded from consideration for the Most Improved Handicap of the Year. 2. Ensure a copy of the current handicap sheet is available on Play Days, work with the Pro Shop Liaison to obtain the list. a. Verify with the Pro Shop liaison that all AACWGA 18 Hole rounds of golf are being properly posted into the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” and GHIN. b. Advise players of any identified posting errors. c. Keep a record of all inaccuracies and all errors identified. (These include scorecard addition corrections, posting of scores that were either lower or higher than recorded). 8. October/November a. As soon as the last game that counts for the season is played, schedule a meeting with the Pro Shop Liaison and the Play Day Chair to obtain the final reporting from the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” and cross reference with the Play Day Chairs’ spreadsheet to determine the Year End Awards. b. Work with the Pro Shop Liaison to have Golf Shop Gift Certificates printed for the Final Awards at the Closing Brunch (Utilize attachment F, with updated award dollar amounts from current approved budget). c. At Closing Brunch: 1) Recognize All Tournament winners for the year. 2) During Awards Presentation, present the following year-end awards: • Most Birdies B. RULES 1. Ongoing - Post and report all changes to USGA or Local Rules. 2. February – Arrange Ladies Rules Clinic with Pro Shop liaison(s). It is usually held with the Opening Meeting. 3. Before each tournament – Assure the Tournament Chairs are ready for their events and that the Pro Liaison(s) will be available for settlement of rules questions. C. END OF YEAR 1. Prior to the Closing Brunch , submit all outstanding bills to the Treasurer for reimbursement or payment. 2. No later than the Closing Brunch, submit a copy of the year-end report to both the President and Secretary, and file one in the Second Vice President’s notebook. The report should include the following: • Summary of events, including the names of the committee members • Steps taken to organize tournament and Play Day activities • Name and theme of each tournament, number participating and winners • Copy of proposed budget compared to actual expenditures • Low Gross/Low Net Ringer Winners • Low Gross/Low Net Play Day Winners • Most Improved Handicap of the Year • Golfer of the Year – (Cash Prize) • Game Day Balls • Honorable Mention – Hole In 1’s • Participation Award – (Cash Prize)
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• Names of contact persons • Any other pertinent information that would help the next chairperson 3. If you have any recommended P&P updates , please document and present to the board during the first Board meeting of the new year. 4. Between the Closing Brunch and the first Board Meeting of the new year (which is usually held in early December) , meet with your successor, and turn over all records. Ask her to review the records prior to the Board meeting so any questions she may have can be addressed at that meeting. III. DETERMINING AWARDS – Most Improved % Handicap, Golfer of the Year, Low Gross/Low Net Highlands & Riverside, Participation and # of Golf Balls Won for each member ( See Attachment F for Awards and Dollar amounts ) A. Two weeks prior to the Closing Meeting, or as soon as last game to be counted for the year is played: 1. Determine the Most Improved % Handicap 1 st , 2nd and 3rd Place utilizing the GHIN along with assistance from the Pro Liaison. Request a computerized comparison of the last official handicap index listing for the previous season and the last official handicap index listing nearest the last day of play of the current year. a. Winners must have been members of the AACWGA 18 Hole Association on the date of the previous season ’ s final print out to win this award. b. The winner(s) is determined by percentage point improvement, not the number of strokes improved. The computer will calculate the percentage. A player is ineligible to receive Most Improved Handicap if their handicap was manually adjusted by the AAC handicap committee. c. Must have participated in at least 10 AACWGA days for which a score was posted during the AACWGA calendar year. 2. Determine Low Gross and Low Net Award winners , by working with the Pro Shop Liaison to obtain the final reporting from the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” and cross referencing with the Play Day Chairs’ spreadsheet. a. Members must turn in at least four (4) scorecards for Low Gross/Low Net Play Days on either or both courses to be eligible. b. An average of the 4 lowest scores from each player for either or both courses will determine winners. c. A member cannot win both Low Gross and Low Net awards on the same course. d. Must declare LG/LN on scorecard before turning it in for final posting. e. If playing in Low Gross/Low Net cannot count as regular Play Day. 3. Most Birdies from Ringer Books a. The Awards Chair will tabulate the Most Birdies for the year from the Ringer Books and give you the winners’ names for the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd places. 4. Ringer Low Gross/Low Net Highlands and Riverside a. The Awards Chair will tabulate Low Gross/Low Net Highlands and Riverside for the year from the Ringer Books and give the winners’ names for the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd places. 5. Participation Award a. The winner is determined by having the highest Participation Points for the year from “Attachment H” b. Include Play Days, Tournaments and Volunteer Opportunities. c. A cash award is given from the yearly budgeted amount, the treasurer will provide, to be presented at the Closing Awards.
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6. Determine Golfer of the year, 1 st and 2 nd Place, with help from the Pro Liaison, utilizing year end reporting from the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” that has all the points properly allocated from “Attachment H, and cross referencing with the Play Day Chairs’ spreadsheet. a. The winner and runner up are determined by the highest total points based on all the point system criteria from “Attachment H”. b. An engraved take home trophy is given to the winner at the Closing Awards. c. A cash award is also given from the yearly budgeted amount, the treasurer will provide, to be presented at the Closing Awards. d. Follow up with the Awards Chairman to have the permanent trophy engraved with the winners’ name and the current year. 7. Determine the number of Golf Balls won by each member by working with the Pro Shop Liaison to obtain the final reports from the current “Golf Statistic Tracking Application” that will list all the Play Day winners with the total number of golf balls each has won, and cross reference with the Play Day Chairs’ spreadsheet. a. 1 ball for each win where no other prize is awarded. b. The Pro Shop liaison will print a Pro Shop Gift Certificate for each member with their total dollar amount of winnings for each ball that will be presented at the closing awards meeting. (Dollar amounts for each ball are determined by the current year budget) (See Attachment F)
Effective March 2000 Revised January and November 2001 Revised August 2002 Revised April 2004 and November 2004 Revised November 2009 Revised January 2010 and October 2010 Revised January 2014 Revised January 2015, October 2015, December 2015
Revised October 2017 Revised October 2018 Revised January 2022 Revised November 2022 Revised January 2023 Revised December 2023
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SECOND VICE PRESIDENT ATTACHMENT A TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR CHECKLIST • Review all Tournament forms, Guidelines, Date(s) and Budget with the 2 nd Vice President • Form a committee to plan for the tournament and include the 2 nd Vice President to be on the committee, and stay in communication with her, even if no committee is needed *At Least 8 Weeks prior to the Tournament Date: - Meet with your committee to create a theme, delegate tasks, order/buy any prizes or favors and plan the details of the tournament -Meet with Pro Shop Liaison to confirm the golf course is blocked for your dates, review Tournament Format and Guidelines and determine a date for Sign-ups and Tournament format to be emailed out -Meet with AAC Member Events & Services Manager to plan any banquet needs -Meet with AAC Communications Director to plan poster with theme and tournament details and the -Reconfirm format and date with Pro Shop Liaison(s), ensuring they will: establish flights from list of participants when necessary; secure tee times; prepare score cards; make course preparations, like placing closest to pin proxy markers; act as host and starter; prepare gift certificates; calculate and post winners. Confirm bag room will place rules and format sheets on each cart -Reconfirm with AAC Member Events for any banquet or other requests that have been made -Have tournament committee members contact those who have not signed up to encourage participation -Submit Tournament Information Sheet (Attachment C) to 2 nd Vice President • Continue following up with all details of the Tournament to ensure everything is complete up until the Tournament Day • At least a day before the Tournament have the Pro Shop Liaison send an email out to all the players with Tee Times, Pairings and Format Sheet • After the Tournament, Announce the winners and make sure pictures are taken • Work with the Communication Chairman and Pro-Shop Liaison to send out an e-mail to the members with the final results, no later than the following day • Follow up with the Publicity Chairman to ensure she has all the information and pictures needed • Adhere to the Association’s Tipping policy. 1. Dutch Treat, and Team Play, have money in the budget for tipping the Bag Room. 2. Our season-long appreciation is shown to our Pro Liaison(s) in the form of a cash gift at the Closing Meeting. The 2nd VP draws money from the Association for this gift through the Treasurer. 3. Our gratitude to our Locker Room Attendants is a monetary gift collected by the President and presented at the annual Christmas Locker Room Party. 4. Any other gratuities (in the case of extraordinary assistance) will be at the discretion of the Tournament Coordinator. These gratuities will come out of the coordinator’s tournament budget or from gifts not used. Any such gratuities need to be pre-approved by the 2 nd VP and Treasurer. • COMPLETE A FULL COMMITTEE REPORT AND INSERT IN BINDER, AND EMAIL WRITTEN REPORT TO THE 2 nd VP, NO LATER THAN A WEEK AFTER THE TOURNAMENT (Attachment B) • No later than a week after the Tournament, complete your Expense Report with attached receipts and give to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Also include a copy of your Expense Report in your Tournament Binder with your Final Report (Attachment D) Effective March 2000 Revised January 2014 Revised January 2023 Revised August 2002 Revised October 2018 Revised April 2004 Revised January 2022 Revised August 2007 Revised November 2022 date it will be put up in the Ladies Locker Room *Two to three weeks prior to the Tournament:
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For all AACWGA Events and Tournaments, a maximum handicap of 36 will be used to determine winners. To be eligible to compete in the Handicap and Championship Tournaments, a member must have played in at least three (3) AACWGA events for that calendar year. If a member of both 9 and 18 Hole AAC Ladies Golf Associations, can only compete in 1 Handicap and/or 1 Champion Tournament event from 1 association, not both. Opening Day and Closing Day Tournament: * $10 Entry Fee billed to member’s account. *Mulligans, Miracle Putts can be sold for monies to be added to winners’ awards. * Format will be a scramble, (Ft. Lauderdale or Ft. Lauderdale Step Aside), as determined by the 2 nd VP/Tournament Chairman. * Teams will consist of A, B, C & D players, using course handicaps to equalize the field. * Pro Shop Gift Certificates paid out to winners of ¼ of the field. * Luncheon to follow play and billed to each member’s account. Handicap Tournament : To be eligible to compete in the Handicap Tournament, a member must have played in at least three (3) AACWGA events for that calendar year. . If a member of both 9 and 18 Hole AAC Ladies Golf Associations, can only compete in 1 Handicap and/or 1 Champion Tournament event from 1 Association, not both. * No Entry Fee. *Annual budget for tournament and prizes. *Net scoring. The first day pairings and tee times will be assigned by Handicap Index. No player requests for specific starting times will be granted. * The second day will be a shotgun start. Pairings will be determined by first round scores. * The remaining winners are paid in descending order to ¼ of the field in Pro Shop Gift Certificates. * The winner and 1 st Runner Up receive an engraved “take home” trophy. If a gift certificate is also given, the combined is also given, the combined cost of both the trophy and the certificate should not exceed the total amount budgeted for these two places. * Permanent Trophy will be displayed at tournament and engraved with Winners’ name and kept on display at AAC in specified trophy case. * Luncheon to follow play and billed to each member’s account. Championship Tournament : To be eligible to compete in the Championship Tournament, a member must have played in at least three (3) AACWGA events for that calendar year . If a member of both 9 and 18 Hole AAC Ladies Golf Associations, can only compete in 1 Handicap and/or 1 Champion Tournament event from 1 Association, not both. * No Entry Fee. * Annual budget for tournament, prizes, and tipping. *Gross scoring. The field will be flighted by Handicap Index. Each flight should consist of no less than 5 players if possible. *The first day’s pairings and tee times will be assigned by Handicap Index. No player requests for specific starting times will be granted.
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* The second day will be a shotgun start. Second day’s pairings within each flight will be determined by first round scores. *The Championship Winner will be removed from the flight and each flight will have a winner. * Engraved “take home” trophies are awarded to the Championship Winner and each Flight Winner. If a certificate is also given, the combined cost of both the trophy and the certificate should not exceed the total amount budgeted for the event. * Luncheon to follow play after second day and billed to each member’s account. Team Play : *No Entry Fee. *Annual budget for tournament, prizes and tipping. * Format will be 2 or 3 days of Four-ball Match play (as defined under Definitions Match in the USGA Rules of Golf). * For Four-ball Match play, the lowest handicap will be subtracted from the higher handicaps and the difference will be assigned to the higher handicapped players. * If used, Alternate Shot format is the lower handicapped player of the two-person team receives 60% of handicap, and the higher handicapped player receives 40%. The resulting strokes fall on the card, according to the AAC hole handicap. Players will determine who tees off on odd holes and who tees off on even holes. Each person drives on 9 holes. (Scotch Doubles) * The field is divided into two or four teams. The score is based on the best ball of each twosome. The pair with the lowest net score wins the hole. * Each individual match is worth up to three points. One point is awarded for the winner of the most holes on the front nine, one point is awarded for the winner of the most holes on the back nine, and one point is awarded for the most holes won overall. One-half point is awarded to each team when there is a tie. * The coordinator should review the division of teams before the tournament and make necessary adjustments to ensure the teams are divided equitably according to handicaps. Likewise, the coordinator should review daily pairings and matches to ensure that no one plays with, or against, the same players any of the three days of the tournament. *Luncheon to follow play of second day and billed to each member’s account. Invitational - Member/Guest : *Entry Fee along with annual budget amount will cover entire cost of tournament, luncheon, and prizes. *1 st VP is responsible for the Tournament * Format is one of the Best Ball Formats with either two person or four person teams. Low Gross and Low Net prizes will be awarded. 90% of the Players’ USGA Handicap will be applied. * Partnerships – in odd numbered years, partnerships will consist of four person teams (2 members and 2 guests), and in even years, partnerships will consist of two person teams (1 member and 1 guest). * See Footnotes 1, 2 and 3. Dutch Treat : * Entry Fee along with annual budget amount will cover entire cost of tournament, luncheon, and prizes. *See Budget for tipping amount. *Any female Member of Atlanta Athletic Club or Guest, with established GHIN may participate with 36 HDCP max. *Dutch Treat Tournament Coordinator along with the 2 nd VP are responsible for the Tournament * Best Ball Format. The number of gross score winners and net score winners is determined by the number of participants. 90 % of the players’ handicap will be applied * Prizes are paid to ¼ of field. (See Footnote 1) *(See Footnotes 2 & 3)
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Member/Member : *10 Entry Fee. *Must be an AACWGA 18 Hole Member to participate. * Mulligans, Miracle Putts can be sold for monies to be added to winners’ awards.
* Member/Member Tournament Coordinator along with the 2 nd VP are responsible for the Tournament. * Format is Best Ball of the Partners. This will be a team event with a specific format selected by the Tournament Coordinator and approved by the 2 nd VP. * Both Gross and Net places are paid up to ¼ of the field. See Footnote 1. * The Member/Member is usually a shotgun start. * Luncheon to follow play and billed to each member’s account. Fall Tournament : *$10 Entry Fee *Mulligans, Miracle Putts can be sold for monies to be added to winners’ awards. *Fall Tournament Coordinator along with the 2 nd VP are responsible for the Tournament * Format will be a shot gun start team event selected by the Tournament Coordinator and approved by the 2 nd VP. * Pro Shop Gift Certificates paid out to winners of ¼ of the filed. * Luncheon to follow play and billed to each member’s account. Pro Lady: * $10 entry Fee * Mulligans, Miracle Putts can be sold for monies to be added to winners’ awards. * Pro Lady Tournament Coordinator along with the 2 nd VP are responsible for the Tournament. * Format can be determined by Pro Lady Tournament Coordinator with 2 nd VP approval. * Format is a season-long, two-person team match play. Strokes will be given by applying the differential off the lowest handicap in the foursome. 100% of the player’s USGA current handicap will be used for each round. A specified time period is scheduled for each round of play. Members may choose their partners but must adhere to a maximum of a ten (10) stroke handicap index differential. * Field: 32 players made up of 4 Flights of 4 Two-Person Teams, or 40 players made up of 5 Flights of 4 Two-Person Teams. * Flight Determination - The teammates’ indexes will be added together and that total will then be ranked from lowest to highest. The lowest 4 totals will be Flight One, second lowest 4 will be Flight Two, next 4 will be Flight Three and final 4 will be Flight Four. * Strokes are determined off the lowest handicap of the group. Current handicaps will be used for each match. * Players pick their teammate. The same teammates may not play together more than two years in a row, unless the teammates win in their second year, then they are allowed a 3rd year together. If the teammate is unable to play in the allotted time for that given round, a substitute may be used. The substitute may not already be on another team AND must have a handicap within + or - 2 strokes of the player she is replacing. * Players must post their scores into the USGA GHIN app. immediately following play. * Pro Shop Gift Certificates paid out to winners of ¼ of the field. * Luncheon to follow play and billed to each member’s account. President’s Cup : *No Entry Fee. *Annual budget for prizes.
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